
Injustice 2 button shortcuts
Injustice 2 button shortcuts


Slaughter Swamp – reduced the range in which the truck Environmental Interaction can be used.Batcave – Brother Eye interaction can only be performed once per combo and has increased damage scaling.Batcave – Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo.Batcave – Fixed character facing issue when killing opponent with hanging light interaction.Arkham Asylum – Fixed visual problem when killing an opponent with the toilet interaction.

injustice 2 button shortcuts

Atlantis – Console slam interaction can only be performed once per combo.Atlantis – Statue jump interaction can only be performed as a cancel once per combo.Bomb interactions now have 3 active frames (down from 5).Green Lantern – Air Oa’s Rocket Gear Ability.Captain Cold – Upward Cold Blast Gear Ability.Black Adam – Power of Aton Gear Ability.Several projectile attacks have been changed to interact correctly with projectile affecting special moves (such as Captain Cold’s The Wall MeterBurn).Users can now Mark All As Seen in the Customize Characters menu to clear the ‘new’ indicator.Added quick scroll buttons to the character list in the Customize Characters menu.Multiverse Meta-Challenges are better highlighted.Modifier descriptions are now shown before a Multiverse match where applicable.

injustice 2 button shortcuts injustice 2 button shortcuts

  • Users now have access to a Quick Open Next option after opening a Mother Box.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some users to receive an excessive amount of Guild and Mother Box notifications at once.
  • Fixed lingering visual effect errors on several interactions when they were interrupted or used in specific situations.
  • Adjusted misaligned bomb visual placements when done in certain situations (hit regions were not affected).
  • Fixed several issues with resetting practice mode while using interactions.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the boss version of Brainiac to become unresponsive if Drone Summon attack was interrupted at a specific time.
  • Added End Event Run option to pause menu in the Endless event which grants rewards as if you lost your current match.
  • Removed Event Select and Main Menu from the pause menu in the Endless event.
  • Added Restart Match option to the pause menu in Multiverse where applicable.
  • Players now receive reduced experience bonuses when playing against an opponent of much lower levels.
  • Bug fixes to lingering visual and sound effects related to some Multiverse Modifiers.
  • Setting Input Shortcuts Off in controller settings makes buffered special move checks in cancel windows, reversals, & wakeups have to be more precise.
  • Forward and Backward dashes now require a more precise input when buffered.
  • injustice 2 button shortcuts


    General offline & online stability improvements.I know I certainly am: General Gameplay Fixes


    Here’s the full list of patch notes below if you’re keen to read about frame start-up attacks and Omega Beam nether region hit windows. The rest of the patch notes sort out a few other bugs, rebalance the newly introduced Red Hood and makes dash(AHAAA!)ing a more precise affair. It sounds minor, but I’m doing the Bat-Tusi in celebration of this. You only need to start opening one Motherbox per category now, with the rest instantly revealed from there at the press of a square button. The latest patch has removed that hassle. Your options boiled down to exiting and opening a box one by one and then repeating said process every time you earned more loot, or storing up a collection of loot and spending the better part of several minutes going through them one at a time. Opening them all, was the kryptonite spanner in the super-gears. Getting your hands on an assortment of boxes isn’t exactly difficult, as a tour of duty in the Multiverse can deliver a dozen loot drops in under an hour. One of my chief complaints has been in the loot department, where earning gear usually arrives in the form of Motherboxes of varying rarity. It’s tighter than Cape Town’s water restrictions in the gameplay department of super-powered fisticuffs, but not 100% perfect. Injustice 2 may not be a Batman game per se, but it certainly does share enough of that dark knight magic across the entire pantheon of DC heroes and villains to have earned some rather superb financial and critical success. Lunch-boxes, movies and the tighty-whitey underwear I’m currently sporting are all proof of this, as are the numerous video games that the caped crusader has popped up in over the years.


    You put Batman’s face on anything, and you’ve got a license to print money.

    Injustice 2 button shortcuts